I'm Simón Carreño

Level Designer & Game Programmer

Computer Engineer with solid experience in Game Development, my main areas are Level Design and Game Programming.


Professional PortfolioPersonal projects

Featured Work

Liveops Game Design / level design

Tetris® Prime (Mobile)

The classic Tetris Game for mobile platforms where I went through LiveOps functions like: Releasing new content for users, Level Design, Event design and event analysis.

Game Design / Game Programming

Elemental Wizards

Elemental Wizards started as a game project for the Master in Game Design at UA School.

The game is a trading card game similar to Shadow Era, Magic and Mitos y Leyendas (A Chilean local TCG) where players control a mage in their battles and with the help of spells and henchmen must defeat their enemies in battle.

Level Design / Level Scripting / Engine Programming

Infernal Underground

Old-school FPS inspired by Quake and Doom. This game was developed under the Cube 2 Engine. I participated as the Game Designer and programmer, making the game levels and flow. Also, I modified the engine source code to add support for SQLite Databases allowing save the game progress and game achievements.

Designer / Scripter / Scriptwriter

Hexen “The Land of the Serpent Riders”

Hexen “The Land of the Serpent riders” (Formerly called Hexen III “The Land of the Serpent Riders”) is a mod for the original Hexen game developed by Rave Software. The story is about a new Serpent Rider that was left behind in the realm of Hellish. The heroes must go to the source of the evil in order to bring peace to the universe once and for all

My Skills

Game Programming

I’m a computer engineer. I’m experienced with gameplay programming and some BackEnd API programming for games. My preferred tools and technologies are Unity, C#, UnrealEngine, Blueprints & NetCore

Game Design

I’ve designed several gameplay systems since the beginning of my journey as a game developer. Always bringing new ideas and have a critical opinion through play and test.


I’m able to generate the necessary documentation for games. From technical specific aspects to a more general vision of the game. Making pitch presentations and full necessary documentation in Game Design, Level Design or programming

Management and Leadership

Through my career I wasn’t only able to work with multidisciplinary teams, but also I got the chance to do management in small teams with different roles associated in order to fulfill a project and get a product done.

Need My Services? Have a General Question? Get in Touch!

I’m open for job opportunities as Freelancer or Full time. Also I’m always open to have a great chat

