Hexen "The Land of the Serpent Riders" (Formerly "Hexen III" mod)
Level Design / Level Scripting / gameplay Programming Download the Mod at ModDBDeveloped for:
- Hexentic Games
Software & Technology
- GZDoom Builder
- Level Design
- Level Scripter
- Gameplay Programming
- Game Levels (Hub 2 & Hub 4 levels)
- Boss fights
- Mod Classes
- Classes Weapons
Project Info
Project Description
HeXen “The Land of the Serpent Riders” (Formerly called Hexen III “The Land of the Serpent Riders”) is a mod for the original Hexen game developed in 1996 by Rave Software. The story acts as a sequel of the Hexen 2 “Portal of Pareveus.” Alcanor, the last apprentice of Serpent Riders magic, gets all the bodies of his masters and return them into their land. His objective is to use them to get more powers and also become a new serpent rider by himself.
The first release was in 2010 with the second hub as a demo, and in 2018 it gets a new update.
My Job
The mod was a personal project that I started in 2009 when I was part of the Hexentic Games modding team. But I used some help in the development. When I restarted the project in 2018, I receive support from a group of modders and revive the project using the same concept.
My job was to develop the entire game story, environments for almost all the hubs inside the mod (Hub 2, Hub 4, and Secret Hub, also some levels for the first hub and the boss battle at Hub 3). Also, I made some of the new enemies’ code and new classes.
Level Design
Level Composition
I made all the levels for the Hub 2 but the boss battle map. Also I made a couple of levels for Hub 1 and all the Hub 4 with the secret hub. This includes level layout, composition, lightning and enemy and items placement.
Also I developed the maps for the Boss battles at the end of Hub 3, Hub 1 and the secret boss battle at Secret Hub

Level Scripting
Level Messages, Puzzles and Effects
I also acted as Scripter in all of the levels developed in the game, adding puzzles, event conditions, messages and all the required functionalities to make the level playable and connected with the rest of the levels in the mod.
Gameplay Programming
New Classes, New Weapons and New Enemies
I also added new original content to the game, creating new classes to use instead of the original three classes from Hexen. This obviously includes new weapons accordingly to the new classes.
I made new enemies, using the Decorate Language, and I made bosses to fight inside the game with all their attacks and stats.