Professional Portfolio

Here is a list of the projects were I worked inside different game studios on my career.


Game Reel


Tetris® Prime

  • Role: LiveOps Designer
  • Game Engine: Unity
  • Description: The classic Tetris game that all people know in its mobile version.
  • Role Overview: LiveOps Designer for Tetris® mobile game. Taking care of different processes and integration with real life rewards the game offers to players.

Project Duties Bullet List

  • Took ownership of the Featured Rewards and Crosspromo processes offers publishing on the game based on requirements from PlayAwards
  • Planned, developed and implemented in-game events and AB Tests to measure their impact to players, then use the data to improve revenue or future releases.
  • Created new levels for the game and followed up its performance
  • Improved internal pipelines in order to speed up and cleaning up the publishing processes for Featured Rewards and Crosspromo publishing
  • Analyzed previous events performance in order to propose improvements for future instances

Major Contributions

Thanksgiving Event 2023

  • Goals progression and balance
  • Event planning and implementation
  • Tracked with data the effects of the event
  • Set up an IAP offer to promote IAP
  • Established engaging challenges and rewards for users who participate in the event promoting KPI’s like
    • Rounds per DAU
    • DAU
    • Interstitials IMPDAU

Econmy Revamp A/B Test

  • Player segmentation distribution
  • AB Test implementation from scratch
  • Post-release support and tracking
  • Balance discussion over new economies inflations with their respective variants
    • Difficulty based variants
    • Ad Frequency based variants
    • Level economies variants


  • Role: Senior Unity Engineer
  • Game Engine: Unity
  • Description: A Crypto-native social hub, creative commons, and free-form MMO community comunicated through Solana blockchain.
  • Role Overview: Senior Unity Engineer for the MMO game “Cinder”. I took part of the improvement of some UI and zone interactions development alongside the prototyping of new game mechanics.

Project Duties Bullet List

  • Developed new zones and features into the game

  • Developed several prototypes to add new content into the game

  • Provided Assistance in Combat and encounter design.
  • Developed functionalities on the “Curator” zone and Shard crafting


  • Role: Game Programmer & Level Designer
  • Game Engine: Unity
  • Description: A Visual novel videogame for socially vulnerable children. Made with Unity I took the role to create Gameplay Elements, API Programming, Back-end Programming and Level Design.
  • Role Overiview: Main programmer for the “Mogand” project. Managed to finish the main loop of the game, published the different versions of the game in all stores, developed and maintained the backend of the game working for all versions available (iOS, Android and Windows)

Project Duties Bullet List

  • Completed the main game loop ensuring the playability of the game.
  • Published the game in the different stores (iOS and Android) and faciliated the download on Desktop.
  • Improved the game performance by reducing memory consumption and game size.
  • Developed and maintained the Back-End structure.
  • Generated separated apps for the game, allowing our stakeholders to access the necessary KPI’s to take decisions.
  • Improved game flows by introducing new features in the game.
  • Provided Technical validation and assisted in technology transition.
  • Assisted in strategic meetings regarding game’s future decisions and new features

Major Contributions

  • Architected cross-platform (iOS/Android/Windows) infrastructure, scaling educational game to 200+ CCU and managed store porting and publishing
  • Reduced technical incidents almost to 0% via implementing monitoring systems and leading RCA processes
  • Developed game backend and level design while managing key stakeholder relationships
  • Reduced app certification time through systematic management of digital signatures and store submissions
  • Increased game adoption in all platforms by reducing app size by 90% to 300MB through optimization for lower-end devices
  • Led product discovery through student interviews, synthesizing feedback into prioritized game improvements and establishing continuous feedback loop

Advergames Development

  • Role: Gameplay Programming, Back-End Programmer, Game Designer
  • Game Engine: Unity, Unreal
  • Description: A compilation of my projects related to Interactive Experiences and Advergames.
  • Role Overview: During several years I developed and lead the creation process of several interactive applications not only as videogames but as experiences to be enjoyed by custom made hardware, sensors, mobile devices and touchscreen devices as well.

Project Duties Bullet List

  • Developed several Advergames. Used by different brands along Chile providing to their customers enjoyable experiences through basic games (Memory games, Casino style games, Trivia, Puzzle, etc) In order to increase brand engaging and customer fidelity.

  • Developed several Apps for companies in Chile for their corporative events where employees can apply their recently acquired knowledge and receive rewards or even for relaxation in entertainment.
  • Developed interactive experiences for several massive events, corporate events and important retail dates in Chile. These apps are experiences mixing videogames or providing interaction through external hardware beyond traditional PC controls or mobile devices.

Key projects or instances

  •  Lollapalooza Chile 2024 – “Sé un Crá”. VR Simulator to show the consequences of driving by alcohol influence.

  • Hexaden Platform development. With my company Hexentic in 2019 we developed a entire platform to provide Games Rental and Games as a Service to our customers improving development times and reducing costs.
  • Arenga Copa America 2017. Videobooth experience allowing followers of Chilean National Selection to send a video displaying their support.
  • Xiaomi Chile 2016. Developed the official app for retail mode for Xiaomi when arrived to Chile.
  • Ratoncitos Dulces Sueños 2016. Developed the official app for the advertising camaping “Ratoncitos Dulces Sueños” from Cencosud.
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